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2013 Application

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Applications for Summer 2013 Texas Law Fellowships are now available! The deadline to apply is March 1, 2013, by 5 p.m. One-third of all available fellowships will be awarded based on merit, while two-thirds will be based on fundraising; the total number of fellowships will depend on the amount of money raised during the Spring Pledge Drive.

TLF applications consist of seven parts:

  1. Your name, contact information, and year.
  2. Your pro bono hours. Hours will be verified by the Pro Bono Program, so make sure you’ve reported your time.
  3. An 80-word description of your employer and the work you will do. Think hard! Donors will see this description when donating on behalf of TLF applicants.
  4. An essay, between 500 and 1000 words long, about:
    1. your commitment to public service;
    2. how you plan to use your TLF Fellowship;
    3. the reason you selected your sponsoring agency and what you hope to gain from your time there; and
    4. anything else you think the selection committee should know.
    5. Do not put your name on your essay.
  5. A current resume with your name, GPA, and contact information removed.
  6. A letter from your sponsoring organization stating that they have a position for you, that they are unable to pay you (or the amount they plan to pay you, if less than $4,000), the name of your supervising attorney, and the type of legal work you will perform.
  7. Verification of your organization’s nonprofit status. Government agencies and international organizations are exempt from this requirement.

For more information about application requirements, click here.

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